12 Desember 2014

formal invitation

(021)54261042  ▪   cibunaryouth@yahoo.com   ▪   www.parungpanjang.com


Parungpanjang , 26 november 2014

No.              : 101 / AT / 2611 / 2014
It                 : Meeting Invitation
Lamp          : -

Dear .
District Head parungpanjang

Dear Sirs ,

Along with this we expect the presence of Mr / Ms on :

Day / Date              : Saturday/ 29th november 2014
Time                       : 10.00 A.M.
Place                       : cibunar youth office
Event                      : Youth Regular meetings as well as the inauguration of the new board cibunar     Youth Villages

Our Tru great father / mother can attend the event above . This our invitation letter for this meeting , for your attention and willingness Mr / Ms for the present we say thank you .


Chairman of Youth                                                 secretary

         Tio Aji Sukma                                                Salma Septiara

Mr and Mrs Joan
Cordially request the pleasure of your company
On the wedding ceremony of their daughter


On Sunday,
the thirty of November two thousand and fourteen
At seven o’clock in
Istana nelayan
Cikokol, tangerang

R.S.V.P dahlia
                                                                   Dinner will beserved at 8 pm sharp

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